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American Made Display Cases Versus Import

June 19, 2019 by
American Made Display Cases Versus Import
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

Start writing here...In today's market a lower price may convince you to buy an imported
display case versus a domestic made one. At first glance overseas made
glass cases are considerably cheaper. If you choose to go that way you
may expect a number of drawbacks. First it may take up to three months
to get the display case delivered, second the showcase may arrive
damaged and you will have little to no recourse. When buying standard
imported display cases your choice of colors and finishes is almost
nonexistent. Then if any component is missing or non functioning you
are by yourself and have to make do.Basically you take the display as
it is and make the best of it. No exchange, no return please. What may
have sound as a bargain now reveals itself as continuous aggravation.
The whole issue is what are you getting for your money when buying a
new display case. A domestic glass display case manufacturer will
guarantee a strict delivery time for your order. Should any quality
issues happen on receipt they will be handled promptly,
professionally. Qualified personnel will assist you before and after
the sale.You will always have someone to go back to concerning your
display cases needs. Choices of models, looks, options, finishes,
changes are there with domestic display cases manufacturers. Should
you need some additional display cases to match the look of previous
ones they will be available. You will benefit from a uniform quality
and high standards. All and all everything will be under control and
you will be free to make the best display cases decisions.

American Made Display Cases Versus Import
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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