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Buying Only a Display Case Top Section

June 19, 2019 by
Buying Only a Display Case Top Section
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

The top glass display area of jewelry showcases and pedestals may be
manufactured separately from their solid base.Keeping a small two
inches high plate to hold the glass panels firm is sufficient. Trade
show exhibitors will find that ordering only the display case top
section has a few advantages. The display is easier to carry and to
set up during the exhibit and it is less expensive to ship from one
trade show to the next one.Some conventional customers will choose to
have their jewelry showcase base cabinet built locally.Retailers may
also choose to set up their new glass display top section on an
existing base cabinet. The challenge is for the two components to fit
well together. When ordering the top glass area dimensions accuracy is
essential. As with a complete glass showcase the glass display area
area may be manufactured in different heights, depths and widths. They
can be made with a glass to glass construction or with metal framing
joining the glass panels. Lighting such as LED or halogen can be added
to the display case top section as an option. All the electrical
components and wiring are directly accessible from under the base
plate. Once the display case top section has been received the
consumer will be free to connect the electrical through the base
cabinet for their own purpose. Getting everything to fit and work well
is challenging. Two different parties are working independently on the
two main components of the showcase. Recently we are seeing more
buyers choosing to purchase jewelry showcase and pedestal top sections

Buying Only a Display Case Top Section
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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