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Tower Display Case

June 19, 2019 by
Tower Display Case
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

Our tower showcases can be used in many areas of focus. Tower showcases can be used at trade shows, in jewelry stores, museums, gift shops, department stores, optical offices, and can even be used in your home. They come in hexagonal, square, and rectangular for your traditional look. They also come in round for a more modern look.

In your tower display case you can display a variety of items ranging from eye wear, cosmetics, crystal collectibles, dolls, jewelry, and collectors coins just to name a few. Tower showcases come with a hinged door with a lock to protect your valuable items from damage or theft. Our tower display cases also come equipped with standard LED lighting built into the upper canopy. This type of lighting enhances the contents of your tower display case. Tower display cases can also have customizable shelves. You can also choose to have no shelving at all to display large or tall items. With our tower display cases, we can customize drawers or cabinets to be built in to the base for storage.

Tower Display Case
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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