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Quality Control in the Glass Display Case Industry

June 19, 2019 by
Quality Control in the Glass Display Case Industry
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

Glass showcase are large items essentially made of glass and cabinets and are shipped fully assembled to destinations all over the country. While the packaging and crating of any given glass case should be done professionally the previous steps of quality control are even more important. It all starts with the inspection of the raw materials and components involved in the manufacturing of glass cases. The accuracy and finish of the cabinetry should be flawless. All the glass panels of the future glass case should be clear without any scratches, streaks, cracks. The hardware ought to be in perfect mechanical order and its functioning thorough fully tested. Lighting components that will be fitted in different areas of the glass case should be tested before assembly by the technical department. Only then the complete assembly of the glass showcase can start. Once completed the finished glass case should be inspected a few times to make sure that all fits tightly and cleanly. Once uncrated a glass case is hardly returnable. Therefore efficient quality control procedures are a cost saving element of any glass display case company.

Quality Control in the Glass Display Case Industry
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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