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LED Lights in Glass Display Cases

June 19, 2019 by
LED Lights in Glass Display Cases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

Most of our glass display cases can now be equipped with LED lighting. Three options of LED lighting are available: top lighting, LED side track lighting, and more recently, our pole stand LED lights. The LED pole light may be installed on the deck on any jewelry case or pedestal. These LED pole lights provide a clear, white and cool source of focused lighting. The LED bulb is 2 watts and the light can be positioned up or down and moved sideways to any position desired. We have four different types of LED light poles that can be used. These options include Rectangular LED poles, Round LED poles, Modern Angled LED poles and Cylinder LED poles. All are effective as a main source of light in your display cabinets or as additional accent lighting. We also have lighting options for tower cases and trophy cases. Most of our displays come standard with LED top lights but we can also include LED side lights as well. These side lights are adjustable and powerful, creating a great source of additional lighting or main lighting. Also, because of the side light track, it is easy to add additional lights and easy to replace LED side lights. Whether it be a jewelry case or a tower case, Tecno Display can accommodate your lighting needs.

LED Lights in Glass Display Cases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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