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Glass Showcases and Metal Framing Finish

June 19, 2019 by
Glass Showcases and Metal Framing Finish
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

Wall display showcases and free standing glass tower cases need to be structurally strong to withstand the test of time and be constantly functional. The metal framing that is holding the vertical glass panels together plays an important role in this respect. They keep the glass sides tight together, straight and at the correct angle. The glass showcase metal framing acts as the skeleton of the showcase. It keeps all components together. Glass showcases are manufactured with anodized framing. The typical choices are anodized gold, black and silver finishes. The finish of the extrusion should match the color of the cabinetry to make for an attractive glass showcase. Over the last couple of years a noticeable change has occurred in the kind of frame finish the end users are expecting. The brushed silver aluminum finish has by far become the most popular framing finish on all glass showcases. Everybody expects a clear non obtrusive look. The black and gold look now appears to detract from the full vision of the contents.
On the contrary the brushed silver is discreet and less visible. In many ways it fits more with the color of the glass within the overall look of the wall showcases and glass towers cases. It feels like nothing is on the way. The trend has been going stronger and it looks like it will continue.

Glass Showcases and Metal Framing Finish
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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