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Different Types of Jewelry Showcases

June 19, 2019 by
Different Types of Jewelry Showcases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

At Tecno Display we have several types of jewelry showcases to accommodate your needs. We have quarter vision, half vision, full vision, and sit down showcases. The quarter vision showcase gives you the option to display your goods on the deck by taking up a small amount of space in your cabinet. This leaves more room for cabinet storage. The half vision showcase provides a shelf to allow you display more items and takes up about half of the entire showcase. The full vision showcase allows you to use multiple adjustable shelves to display many more items taking up the majority of the space in your showcase. A sit down jewelry showcase makes it easier on the jeweler by giving them space on their side of the showcase to sit comfortably with potential customers.

Different Types of Jewelry Showcases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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