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Custom Display Cases

June 19, 2019 by
Custom Display Cases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

Specialty stores such as home décor, upscale jewelry stores, galleries, high end optical stores have been opening everywhere over the last few years. Since they carry fewer but more specific items they are in constant need of custom made glass display cases. Most glass display showcases manufacturers will require high minimum orders to design and develop such custom glass cases. The reason is that the process is time consuming and labor intensive. Such quality stores need custom glass showcases primarily to look exclusive, different. Customization may include the creation of a totally new design or concept, sometimes simply sizing changes of an existing standard glass display case or a cabinetry new custom finish. A well designed custom showcase will accentuate the unique value of the item for sale. It will show it to the best. Thicker tempered glass, laminated glass, custom locking mechanisms, high tech LED lighting options are other features of custom display cases.

Custom Display Cases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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