Counter Cases and Impulse Sales

June 19, 2019 by
Counter Cases and Impulse Sales
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

Last minute sales do add up for retailers anxious to maximize their revenues. Counter cases are small and easy to move. Since counter cases are commonly placed on top of cash counters, stands or jewelry showcases they are highly visible. Jewelry, collectibles, souvenirs, trendy merchandise find a home in a well organized counter showcase. The glass display areas and shelves are all made of tempered glass and are solid and resistant. Lighting in the top cabinet of a counter case is efficient since counter cases are typically eighteen to thirty six inches tall. The light can easily penetrate from the top down. Counter cases are placed in high traffic areas and will protect the contents from dust and theft. Since the merchandise inside is visible at eye level they are acting as an excellent eye catcher. They are available generally in square and rectangular shapes and with a wide variety of cabinet finishes.

Counter Cases and Impulse Sales
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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