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Airtight Museum Cases

June 19, 2019 by
Airtight Museum Cases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro

What glass display case you put in your museum is very important, especially if your exhibit includes artifacts or fossils. The case you choose for your assets need to be able to protect them from not only the spectators, but also the climate. At Tecno Display our museum cases are the perfect contribute to any exhibition. Airtight cases will protect your artifacts from the climate that can destroy them, by keeping dust and humidity out you can ensure the life of your belongings will be prolonged. A strong, locking case is also very essential for your museum. With our cases onlookers will be able to get close and see the details of the possession inside the case and the owner wont have to worry about the safety of it. Our museum cases are locked with a easy to use pneumatic system. Behind a hidden locking door are tubes, with a pressurized can of air you can seal the top onto your showcase, keeping it tightly locked, the top wont come off until air is put back in, releasing the pressure from the top glass on the case.

Airtight Museum Cases
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro June 19, 2019
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