Flexibility is what retailers are looking for when shopping for glass display showcases. Selling space is precious and expensive and using it to the best will maximize the potential for increased sales. Selecting the correct free standing glass tower cases will provide for additional and needed displaying space. Free standing tower cases are manufactured in square, rectangular, hexagonal shapes. They will fit into the corner of a store and pretty much anywhere in a center aisle. Free standing tower cases are efficient when placed in front of a store window or by the entrance of a retail outfit. Since all free standing glass tower cases are mounted on rollers they can be moved effortlessly from one area to the other. Glass tower cases can accommodate very many different lines of products. This will make them valuable over time since popular merchandise always changes.
19 juin 2019
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro
dans Voyager
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro
19 juin 2019
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Counter Cases and Impulse Sales
Practical Free Standing Glass Tower Cases