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Glass Display Cases for Rock and Mineral Collections

Mineral Display Cabinets
20 mai 2020 par
Glass Display Cases for Rock and Mineral Collections
Tecno Display, Jason

Rock and mineral collectors like to display their collections. Glass display cases are an obvious choice for doing so. There are many reasons for this. Display cases provide excellent viewing of the contents which in this case are beautiful rocks and minerals. The glass sides of the display case provide the potential for 360 degrees of viewing. Glass shelves allows unobstructed viewing of the underside of rocks. Display cases usually have between three to five shelves. This allows your rock collection to be well separated with a lot of space to place them on. Another benefit of glass display cases is that they usually come with locking glass doors which will protect your collection from people touching the rocks or knocking into them. Lighting is another benefit. Top lights will provide strong illumination of rocks placed on the top shelf and general lighting for the shelves below. Sidelights offer additional lighting and will illuminate shelves individually. Lighting, especially for rocks where there are so many details, is of upmost importance. Sidelights are worth the extra cost. Glass display cases come in a wide variety of configurations. Tower and trophy display cases have shelves while jewelry and pedestal display cases usually do not. Tower display cases have a small footprint yet provide a fair amount of space for displaying rocks. One advantage of this display case type is that if you have sidelights installed the illumination will be very strong. Trophy display cases offer the most amount of space of any display case type. They come standard up to six feet wide with five shelves. If you have a large collection and would like the most space for your money then you may want to consider trophy display cases. Jewelry display cases are counter height. Most do not have shelves but some do. The reason for this type of configuration is because you want have a more museum style look. Pedestal display cases are great for showing one or a handful or rocks and providing undivided attention to them.

Generally glass display cases are the only viable option for displaying rock collections. Display cases protect your rocks from becoming dusty and since many varieties of rocks and minerals are delicate, they also protect them from being touched and damaged. Museums either showcase their collections behind glass or inside of display cases. It therefore makes sense to also put your private collection inside a display case. Selection of the cabinet finish of the display case you choose will be important. Finishes start from solid colors such as white and black to laminates with wood grains to more expensive laminates and stained wood veneers.You will want to select a finish that compliments your rock and mineral collection and matches the mood you would like to create. If you would like to create contrast, perhaps a dark finish such as black laminate will make sense. For example, you may have dim lighting in the room where the collection located and the rocks and minerals will stand out within the well lite display case. Conversely, you may prefer to have the display case cabinet finish have a lighter color and place it in a well illuminated room. These choices depend on personal preferences and the type or rocks and minerals that are being displayed. It is a good idea to contact a reputable domestic display case manufacturer and speak to them about how you would like to display your collection and they will be able to steer you in the right direction.

Glass Display Cases for Rock and Mineral Collections
Tecno Display, Jason 20 mai 2020
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