Curved cabinets and curved glass display showcases are always eye catchers. The beauty and elegance of the curved glass and cabinets makes them noticeable and one feels like walking towards them. Curved wall display showcases can be seen in a number of retail stores such as optical and jewelry shops.The cost of retail space is substantial retailers do need all the extra storage space they can use. Some will choose to order their curved cabinet wall showcase with a lockable storage base lockable door Two options are available: The door can be placed on the front of the curved cabinet or installed on either side of the curved cabinet base. As any cabinet maker will say cutting and finishing a curved door that will fit exactly the radius of the main base cabinet requires many skills and highly time consuming.Additionally the hardware such as lock and hinges spoils.the clean look of the curved cabinet. Manufacturers will recommend that the lockable storage door be built on either of the flat sides of the base cabinet. It is practical, economical, looks better and serves the purpose. The end result is that you get your storage space without altering the beauty of the curved cabinet.
19 juin 2019
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro
dans Voyager
Tecno Display, Brooklyn Stepro
19 juin 2019
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Wall Shadow Boxes with Dividers
Curved Cabinets and Built in Storage